viernes, 20 de abril de 2012


Dear all,

The thirteenth ministerial session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XIII) will be held in Doha, Qatar, from 21 to 26 April 2012. Under the overall theme of Development-centred globalization: towards inclusive and sustainable growth and development, UNCTAD XIII will provide a platform for member States to examine emerging issues in the areas of trade and development, and to discuss requisite policy options and strategies. The 2012 quadrennial conference will set out UNCTAD's mandate and work priorities for the next four years. A copy of the provisional programme of UNCTAD XIII is attached.

In line with the purpose of the Conference and to build on the political momentum provided by the 2012 UN Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20), together with the designation of the year 2012 as the International Year of Sustainable Energy by the UN Secretary-General, Mr. Ban Ki-moon, a joint UNCTAD and Asian Development Bank (ADB) event on “Paving the Way for Sustainable Freight Transport” will be held on 25 April, 2012, from 15:00-18:00. This interactive panel will provide a high level platform for discussion and promote the sharing of experiences relating to sustainable freight transport. Copies of the concept note setting up the key issues to be discussed and of the draft provisional programme are attached for your kind attention.

In addition to the special side event on “Paving the Way for Sustainable Freight Transport”, a high level round table (Round Table 4) on “Addressing persistent and emerging development challenges as related to their implications for trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development", will also be held on 25 April, 2012, from 9:00-12:00. The roundtable will address a number of policy issues deemed crucial for promoting structural transformation and engendering development in the new global environment, including climate-resilient transport infrastructure development as well as energy security and sustainability.

Participation in the Conference is open to the representatives of States members of UNCTAD; observers from organizations that have received a standing invitation from the General Assembly to participate in the sessions and work of all international conferences convened under its auspices in the capacity of observers; observers from interested intergovernmental organs of the United Nations; observers from specialized agencies and organizations institutionally linked to the United Nations; observers from intergovernmental organizations in status with UNCTAD; observers from non-governmental organizations in status with UNCTAD; observers from other interested intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations and civil society at large, upon invitation or designation by the Secretary-General of the Conference; officials of the United Nations Secretariat; experts on mission for the United Nations; and, other persons invited by the United Nations.

For further information please visit the Conference website at For any related queries or wish to register and participate in the Conference and related events, please contact Ms. Frida Youssef at or Ms. Hassiba Benamara at no later than 20 April 2012.

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